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All roads lead to Rome: Introducing BEDC’s job management platform

As a rapidly growing technology business, it’s easy to focus our innovation efforts on our core estimation and design platform, ensuring it continues to exceed our clients’ expectations and remains relevant today, and into the future. While these things are important, and indeed are where we place a lot of our emphasis, it’s not the only area that we innovate.

Our vision has always been to disrupt building estimation and design by providing our clients with a faster, more accurate service. This is achieved through our revolutionary technology and highly skilled team, but also in the way we manage your projects. And this is where our leading-edge platform, Rome, comes in.

End-to-end job management that increases speed and accuracy Speed and accuracy are two things we hang our hat on here at BEDC. The estimation, detailing, and design work we undertake is robustly supported by our Artificial Intelligence, and the process each job goes through from submission to completion is managed by Rome, our job management platform.

For us, excellence comes when every aspect of our business performs to its optimum. And so, when we looked at our end-to-end customer experience, we knew a centralized job management platform was necessary.

Development of Rome was led by BEDC’s Product Director, Louise Campbell. Her observation was that there were several excellent, but specific solutions available that solve different targeted problems, and very highly skilled people, but there was a gap when it came to the general workflow management process for requesting design and estimation services.

“We didn’t want to rely on someone else’s interpretation of our business and client’s unique requirements, so being a tech company, we built our own job management platform to deliver all these things!”

Rome - a name for the ages When choosing a name, we drew on the marketing expertise of our Chairman, Jonathan "JR" Reid.

"People know me as a detail obsessed, big picture guy, and marketing is my real passion. So I was excited to dedicate time to effort to identify the name for our new platform. We wanted something that would be memorable. concise and relevant and I'm super proud of where we have got to with Rome. It's a powerful platform that will continue to grow with the company - and a real career highlight for me personally".

‘Rome’ was an apt name for our job management platform because it is, quite literally, right at the centre of our operations.

From the moment a client uploads a job to Rome to the moment that completed job is returned, every stage is visible, trackable, documented, monitored, and managed. Clients can see where their job is at any time, and they can seamlessly ask questions or communicate directly with the BEDC team. Rome is a cloud-based platform so there is no requirement to introduce new file management systems into the client’s tech stack and everything is seamlessly managed from one place. ‘Job Central’ is where all information pertaining to each job is accessed, which creates an audit trail of all transactions across each job and enables transparency at every stage – super important for the client and the BEDC team!

Rome manages all project types - from whole-of-house through to individual components. Entering a job is completed via a simple drag and drop wizard that ensures the client provides all the necessary information. Once a job has entered Rome, BEDC’s patented Artificial Intelligence commences via an automated workflow, and provides reports to the BEDC team on next steps, all the while with Rome keeping the job moving through the process.

One of the key pieces of magic of Rome is that it integrates with our clients’ internal systems to ensure inventory and pricing are incorporated into each job. This significantly expedites the process and ensures the estimate or design is tailored specifically to the client’s unique specifications. And a meticulously designed access control system enables clients to segment their team’s Rome permissions however they need – regionally, by role, etc.

We never stop innovating We’re pretty excited about Rome and its ability to make our estimation and design process even faster, more accurate and robust. And really, this is just the beginning. We’re a business built upon a foundation of innovating and doing things differently, and we’ll continue to push boundaries and look for new ways to improve what we do and how we do it.

We’d love to show you Rome! Reach out to our team for a demo.


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